2019 Display & Build
Total Raised in 2019 for Redkite: $2,500.
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Most of the items are down, packed away and we are beginning to start the design and upgrades for 2019
Planned upgrades: 26 more 3D Printed stars, new vents, new coro items and more through the year. I have started printing the 12 point stars and P10 brackets, as well as 20 more gutter clips
We finally managed to get to Redkite on February 2ndto deliver the cheque. This was our first visit to the new office near Central Railway Station, and we were very impressed with the new open layout

Getting ready for the Sydney mini early next month.

June – Sydney Mini
The Sydney Mini is over, and wow what a great weekend. People from South Australia, Victoria and all over NSW came for the weekend and we all learnt something, and everyone walked away with at least one prize and some great memories

Been flat out since the mini finishing off items. Later in June I attended Bens build party and managed to push 726 pixels while still eating Pizza and having a couple of cans of drink.

Loads done this month, but slowed up due to my wife having a knee replacement at the start of the month.
Did my first order with LYSONLED in China, and now awaiting it to be delivered mid next month. 30 P10 panels, 4 Power Supplies, 2 P5 panels (to test), and a Colorlight card to see if they are better at driving the P10’s than the Beaglebone Black.
My LYSONLED order arrived and all I can say is WOW!
A massive thanks to Cherry at LYSONLED for the help in ordering and one of the fastest deliveries of a package from China in many years. Close to 9kg, and it’s done one major thing – got me wondering how I can pay for 30 MORE P5 panels to upgrade a few items in this years display. Anyone want to sponsor a AU $1000 upgrade please?
I am planning on a definite change from P10 to P5 panels for the 2 small north and south pole Tune To signs, but after seeing the P5’s in action, I’d also like to upgrade the old 3*3 corner mounted signs, my original tune to signs, to P5, adding 18 more P5 panels to the setup. This would increase my channel count for 2019 to over 300,000 channels, and require only minimal changes to the actual setup for the year.
Between trips to the Physio for my wifes recovery after a knee replacement, I have managed to finish the new P10 panel build. It’s not in a case yet, thats Sundays job, but for now all 25 Panels are screwed together with custom 3D Printed panel joiners

The P5 builds are coming along great, with the initial build being tested.

Since I am off for 2 weeks for Lithgow halloween, I decided to start putting up lights

More lights are up, but of course things dont always go to plan.

Lithgow, as well as many other locations, has been affected by the 2019 Bushfires. A few images below of the smoke and flames in the area over recent days, but then a special guest drove around Lithgow, bringing a smile and a little bit of cheer to some of the locals

2019 Spend
Extreme Lighting Displays Order 1: $100
Ray Wu Order 1: $800
Extreme Lighting Displays Order 2: $70
Filament: $210
Paint: $70
Falcon F16 V3 2019 Edition: $315
Isopropyl Alcohol: $80
Bolts and Screws: $65
36V PSU: $30
LYNSONLED Order 1: $880
Network Upgrades: $200
Beaglebone Black (x2): $170
16GB Micro SD Card: $18
LYNSONLED Order 2: $980
P5 Demo Panels: $200
2 * Raspberry Pi: $128
Extreme Lighting Displays Order 3: $90
Power Boards, Extension Leads: $70
Bunnings Marine Ply: $66
Plycarbonate sheeting for screens: $190
6 Core alarm cable 305 meters: $90
5 Litres of Acetone: $30
Bubble and Snow mix: $50
Paint: $90
Tent Pegs: $40
Elastic: $38
Stainless Wire and connectors: $90
Brackets: $20
Lollies: $200
Conduit: $120
Network cable, connectors, crimper: $150