2014 Display & Build
Total Raised in 2014 for Redkite: $3,500, including $100 from D&J Ford, Lithgow.
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Started the builds for 2014, but not a lot documented or images taken yet. A bit of work done on the singing faces.

Went down to Redkite to deliver the cheque in february, and as always it was a great day.

Completed welding up the 6 new singing faces- 3 for me, 3 for YagoonaLights.
Once I complete upgrading the new outline lights, which were also started today, I’ll put the lights on the face, or order more to do it.
The light count will be taking a big hit this year with the new outline strings, as only 4 of 12 have been updated and I have already dropped 2,291 LED
Not a lot to say, but a lot has been done in recent weeks.
The new House Outline lights have been completed, reducing the lights by an astounding 10,090 lights. The original 24V house outline LED’s were individual strips of Red, Green, Blue and White single color 3mm LED’s drawing up to 550 watts when they were all turned on, or around 161 watts for any single color. The new LED’s are the same as many other items used in the display, such as the Minitrees, window silhouettes and more, and the 782 8mm LED’s draw a maximum of 148 watts when on white, or 59 watts or less for any single color. The lights will also be a lot easier to repair and maintain going into the future
All these new outline LED’s meant the controllers used to power them needed modifying. Originally they were RGBW 24V lights, so each section needed 4 channels, not 3. The new lights are RGB so they only need 3 channels, and also just 5V, not 24V.
The controllers have been modified, new PSU’s installed, and they have all been tested to ensure they work properly for this year.
All the updates to the LED’s and controllers mean that I need to start updating the songs used this year to support the new channel count for the house outlines.
This takes time, with about 3 hours work per song, but there are a lot more changes than just the channels for the outline, but that is just to compact the channel allocations to make it easier going into the future.
Song updates are all done, and a few changes have been made to older songs as I went, to make them a little better and more responsive for this year.
So far I have 4 voiceovers (1 has been dropped from what we had last year), and 3 old songs upgraded to this years layout
I must be mad. Started to sequence 1 more song for this year, as well as completely redoing one song last used in 2010. The update includes complete singing faces, so it’s actually the most complex song I have done in a while, beaten only by last years “What does the Fox Say” in size (19MB Vs 23MB for the files).
Given up counting songs, but this show will have 1 completely new song (think what movie kids have raved about this year and you might have an idea of the song), plus some old classics, as well as updates from last years song list.